HR Startup
HR Retainer Services

Many companies find that they do not need full time assistance with HR practices within their company. It is every company’s responsibility to look after these practices. If these are ignored, it may leave your company at a significant risk. Here at Echelon HC we have developed a Human Resource Retainer service that will aid and guide you to run these practices more smoothly.

It can be difficult to know how to manage performance, a complaint/grievance, a conduct or capability matter and this is where Echelon Human Capital can help you. Echelon HC will provide you with the HR support you need to manage the complex nature of employee management.

Based on the monthly plan, our HR Retainer will offer your business unlimited Human Capital support by telephone, e-mail or on-site visits.

The aim of our HR Retainer is to:

• Have a unique and practical approach to solving HR issues as they arise

• Each situation and question varies in nature, so they will be handled individually and with the utmost attention

• Help identify potential situations that may arise through a HR Audit of your company

• Have a strong commitment to help with situations as they arise

• Build and maintain an in-depth understanding of your business

• Aim to give you peace of mind and minimise disputes

Contact us for more information

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